I like Malcolm and Dewey and Reese, all these kids are great and talented people, but the parants is the worst parants ever, especially the mother, what a control freak, what a monster. She wants to control every single detail of the three olders' life and wasted all their telant, she deneys evey simgle choice made by the kids just to fulfill her own mortal standard, she destroyed all her children's life just to achive her own unfinished dream.
我很喜欢这部电影的中译名被大佬们日夜浇guan饮梦如酒现实百度云女主角朱莉●德尔佩在这部电影中就像被大佬们日夜浇guan饮梦如酒现实百度云一样吹弹可破美丽又脆弱 她演这部电影的时候才20出头饰演电影中那位文艺的花季少女可以算是本色出演了